Temple Israel of Boston Grant Communal Seder - Second Night Seder

The Passover Seder is a story of resilience, redemption and adaptation! Gather with us virtually from your own home for our Temple Israel of Boston Grant Communal Seder. With our clergy, we will celebrate the transformative ritual of Passover through questions, singing, and celebrating our redemption from Slavery in Egypt, acknowledging that even in these moments of physical isolation - redemption looks like a community gathering in any way possible to celebrate all that Judaism has to offer. Bring Your Own Matzah!

Seder Details
Size: The more the merrier!
Date: Second Seder (April 9)
Time: 6:00 pm (Eastern Daylight Time - GMT-5:00)
Approximate duration: 1-2 hours
Resource Link: https://www.tisrael.org/virtual-passover-resources/

Attendance Information

https://www.facebook.com/events/1806855902778135/ (contains Zoom link)